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‘Breath into Being’ new album by Sonic Yogi at Peaceful Radio Show 1478

23 February 2022 Artists

Click on photo for Sonic Yogi’s website.



Breath into Being is inspired by live meditation
events on the Insight Timer meditation app in
2021. Each Session would begin with a “musical”
piece before moving into a deeper meditative
sound space. Each piece with rhythm is designed
so that the practitioner can also “breathe along”
with the music. “Inhale four (counts) and Exhale
more…” is the basic instruction. By extending the
exhale and slowing the number of breaths per
minute a number of physiological and mental
shifts begin to occur moving the listener towards
a more relaxed and meditative state. The musical
pieces here can be used in this manner or simply
enjoyed as music.

Instruments performed, recorded and mixed by
Jonathan Adams. Guest Vocalist Jeannine
Previous Reviews:
“Beautiful Sound Therapy Magic”
– Contemporary Fusion Reviews
“the sound of the bowls builds gradually in layers
and the real payoff comes with the powerful
vibrations that build in your body… both deeply
relaxing and energizing”
—Tricycle Magazine: The Buddhist Review

Sonic Yogi (Jonathan Adams) originated in 2012
after Jonathan’s recovery from extreme
anxiety. As a professional touring musician, he
knew the potential of music to entertain and move
our emotions, now following this experience he
discovered its power as a healing force. Since
that experience, Jonathan has put his intention
and focus into the exploration of the healing
potential of sound. His vision is to offer sounds
and practices for developing peace of mind and
relaxation. Jonathan produces meditations, and
instructional courses for the Insight Timer
meditation app. Over the years this audience has
grown to well over 100k meditators and seekers.
His most recent course “Release Stress through
the power of sound” is available from Insight
Timer. His music is also used nationally for Golds
Gym yoga and Centergy classes.

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu roughly translates to “May all beings be happy
and free”. Freedom, in our our consciousness is essential to allowing our nervous
system to be free as well. The repetitive mantra invites focus on the words and
melody as we begin to prepare for relaxation and release.
Breath into Being
All of the tracks with any percussion on this album were created as part of live
“sound meditation sessions” that I offered on the Insight Timer app in 2021. Each
session began with a rhythmic track in which we counted the breath. Beginning
with 4 counts on the inhale and 6 on the exhale. As the practice progresses each
person can adjust their breath cont accordingly. Extending the exhale slows the
number of breaths. This longer exhale also sends a signal to the nervous system
that it is time to relax. This can set the stage for deeper meditation, and into a
“being” state of consciousness.
“Breath into Being” the song was one of these first “breath accompaniments”.
Breath along as the music guides towards meditation.
Om Mani Padme Hum
This version of “Om Mani Padme Hum” is based on a drone, and gradually
progresses into the chant.
According to the Dalai Lama, Om Mani Padme Hum has the power to: “transform
your impure body, speech and mind into the pure body, speech and mind of a
Buddha.” (from Yogapedia)
I like to interpret this as similar to Christ’s teaching “The Kingdom of Heaven is
within”, and that within the lotus of our inner being resides the jewel of stillness
and self-understanding. The lotus arises from the sometimes muddy objects
within consciousness of suffering, stress, or inaccurate self-definition.
This track is also for use as a “breath accompaniment” or guide.
Alone in Me, Together in Me
We are sovereign within. Each perception an interpretation. Always together and
always alone.
A Gentle Insight
We can choose to learn by suffering, or insight. Even insights can be jarring when
a deeper lesson is realized. Choosing love, and compassion help us navigate our
path of understanding and self-knowledge with grace.
Dilo sin Palabras (Say it without words)
“Actions speak louder than words”. Words may be nice at times, but in the end we
remember actions of respect, kindness and integrity. Words without seeing the
truth of them reflected in action, are ultimately meaningless and empty. This track
is also for use as a “breath accompaniment” or guide.
Grounding in Intention
Outcomes do not always meet expectations. While we are unable to direct
circumstances, it is possible to take actions from a place of intention, and care to
see that our actions are coming from that sense of intention and purpose.
Om Shanti (Releasing)
Shanti means peace. This track represents a journey of release as it builds into a
chant. Also based on a drone the piece expresses some dissonance and harmony
as the process of “release” is explored. This track is also for use as a “breath
accompaniment” or guide.
Choose Love in each moment
Choose Love in each moment was one of the rosetta stones in my own journey. I
was reminded to choose love, and not fear. I was reminded that in each moment I
could choose. By exercising this power of choice, I could choose love (relaxation)
instead of fear (stress, anxiety etc). By keeping this in mind I also realized NOW
was the only place I could exercise this power of choice. if I allowed my mind to
drift into the imagination of future, or past my nervous system inevitably following
along, and triggered stress responses. However by allowing my mind to rest in the
now, I was choosing love and releasing stress.
I Am: Letting Go
I realized what I was searching for was not about becoming something I was not,
but letting go of the things that were not me.
I am not my name.
I am not my job.
I am not the type of car I drive.
I am not where I live.
I am not what my partner thinks of me.
I am not what my family thinks of me.
I am not what my friends think of me.
I am not my opinion of me.
I am not my race, or religion
I am not my fears.
I am not my nationality.
I am not the amount of money I have.
I am not the size of clothes that I wear.
I am not the defined by the things I own.
I am not my future.
I am not the vacation I took last year.
I am not all of the great things I’ve done.
I am not the the things that I am not proud of.
I am not my past.
I am not my emotions.
I am not my gender.
I am not my sexuality
I am not my body.
I am not a political party, or issue.
I am not my desires.
I am not my circumstances.
I am not my thoughts.
I am not my thoughts.
I am not my thoughts.
I simply AM.
Sat. Chit. Ananda.
Truth. Consciousness. Bliss.
Singing Bowl Improv
This singing bowl improv functions as a sort of sonic savasana at the end of the

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